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Очень часто ребята спрашивают: "А как по-английски будет то или иное слово?" Но со временем слово, которое нечасто используется в речи, забывается и приходится объяснять его снова. Эта рубрика будет рассматривать как раз такие слова - потеряшки, чтобы всегда была возможность их вспомнить.
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- School Stereotypes
Your experience at school depended on many things, the school itself, the teachers and your classmates. What are British school children like, you may wonder. Well, most of time they’re just like school children from all over the world. They want things like extra playtime, no homework and permission to go to the wc when the class gets boring. However, in every British class there are some distinct types of pupil. We’ve identified a few of these stereotypes and we’d like to tell you all about them.
The Nerd, nurd [nɜːd]
The nerd knows absolutely nothing about fashion, popular music or sport.
They are generally excellent at Maths and Science and are usually
highly intelligent. At school they are often the victim of cruel jokes
or comments because of their clothes and hair. Nerds hate sport and they
hate gym class, especially on cold winter days when they have to go out
and play football. They stand on the pitch trying to keep warm and
hoping no one will notice them. They spend the whole of the lesson
trying to avoid the ball. They are usually blamed for any poor
performance by their team. In class they sit there day-dreaming and
thinking about nuclear physics and things like that. At home they love
reading, playing computer games and surfing the net. Nerds want to be
Bill Gates when they are older.
The Bully ['bulɪ] - задира, хулиган.
Bullies spend their school lives thinking of cruel jokes to play on the weaker students. Book Stealing: this involves stealing books and throwing them in a puddle, making them wet and dirty. Tax collection:
this consists of inviting the victim to make a voluntary donation of
one pound a day to the bully. When they re older, bullies want to be
soldiers, police officers or school P.E. teachers.
The Know-It-All ['nəuɪtɔːl]
The know-it-all spends class time thinking of questions to ask the
teacher. They are the ones who always put their hands up first when the
teacher asks a question - even if they don’t know the answer. Me! Me!
they shout until they get the teacher’s attention. They love it when
they do well in exams and they'll let the rest of the class know all
about it, saying things like, hey! Look what I got in the history exam, or didn’t you pass? I did. Know-it-alls want to be prime ministers when they re older.
The Class Weirdo ['wɪədəu] - странный тип
The class weirdo is the quiet student who sits at the back of the class
and never says a word. Class weirdoes spend their time in class doodling
and writing I hate life all over their books. Out of school, they enjoy
smoking. They frequently skive off (miss classes).
The Teacher’s Pet ['tiːʧəz pet]
The Class Joker [klɑːs 'ʤəukə]
- клоун, приколист
The class joker will do anything to get attention, even at the risk of
looking silly or getting into trouble. They love playing tricks on. Some of their favourites include leaving drawing pins on the
teacher’s seat and throwing paper aeroplanes around the class when the
teacher isn’t looking. They are popular with their classmates, and even
the teacher finds them amusing at times, although they would never admit
it. At home they are often bored because there is no one to impress.
They spend the evening sitting on the sofa eating chocolate or preparing
things to say the following day at school. As adults they often become
The Swot [swɔt]
The swot always turns up at school neat, tidy and perfectly organised.
They have pencil cases with everything they could possibly need for
class: rulers, coloured pens, pencils, etc. In class, they pay careful
attention to everything the teacher says and take detailed notes. They
study hard for all their exams and always do well. Their work is always
perfect and beautifully presented. At home, they always do their
homework and they won’t go out to play until they’ve finished
everything. When they aren’t studying, they enjoy stamp collecting,
sticking pictures in albums or playing with educational games on the
computer. They have very supportive parents who often actively help with
homework or class projects. Swots want to be university research
scientists when they are older.
The Class Leader [klɑːs 'liːdə]
- лидер в классе
The class leader is the sporty, good-looking one with trendy parents.
They know what clothes to wear, what music to listen to and generally
how to be cool. In class they often pass secret notes around to other
pupils. They like to control the class by deciding who their best friend
is. In the playground, they form exclusive gangs or cliques. They also
organise games and make cruel decisions about who can join in. At home
they spend their time reading magazines or gossiping to their friends on
the phone. Class leaders often become salespeople, bank clerks or
estate agents.
The Trendies ['trendɪz]
The trendies are the group of kids who think they are better than all
the rest. They experiment with drink and drugs earlier than the other
kids and they think they re really cool. They often listen to obscure
music that no one else has ever heard of or can even understand. They
have their own uniform that makes them easily identifiable. They often
become civil servants or English teachers.
The Monitor/form prefect ['mɔnɪtə] - староста
The monitor is a pupil in school who has special jobs to do. It's a student appointed to assist a teacher.
The Cheerleader ['ʧɪəˌliːdə]
The cheerleader is a girl, who leads the crowd in shouting encouragement and supporting a team at a sports event.