вторник, 21 июля 2015 г.

116th B-day/

      Ernest Hemingway took a great part in directing of 20th-century literature, but his own style of life, art, and characters are so deeply mixed that it is hard to devide them. That's because of high standards and his insisting on a certain type of intense truth in his composing. 
     Hemingway served as a Red Cross ambulance driver in the WWI (where he was injured), reported on the Spanish Civil War and WWII, and worked as a fisherman, and went on big game safaris throughout Africa. He was in two plane crashes while visiting Africa and was so badly injured in one that some newspapers reported he had been killed. All of this and more showed up in his writing.

photo by Torre Johson

суббота, 18 июля 2015 г.

Летнее повторение/

Ваши результаты на nativenglish.ru
разговорные курсы английского native english  Ваш уровень: 18-22 продвинутый
разговорные курсы английского native english  Правильных ответов: 22
разговорные курсы английского native english  Прошло времени: 4:29

ВопросВаш ответВерный ответОбъяснение
1. Where ____?
  • A. is from Richard
  • B. is Richard from
  • C. Richard is from
  • D. from is Richard
В вопросах глагол (здесь – is) всегда ставится сразу после вопросительного слова (здесь – where), а "откуда" будет не "from where", а "where ...... from".
2. What ____?
  • A. is Richard work
  • B. is Richard job
  • C. does Richard do
  • D. does Richard work as
"Где он работает?" - всегда "What does he do?", это устойчивое выражение.
3. ____ it was raining, we went on a picnic.
  • A. Although
  • B. Because
  • C. Again
  • D. However
Although – "ХОТЯ"; другие варианты не подходят грамматически или по смыслу.
4. In my dream I saw Bill Gates.
He ____ the violin.
  • A. was played
  • B. played
  • C. is playing
  • D. was playing
"was played" – "был сыгран", "played" – "сыграл", "is playing" – "играет", "was playing" – "играл". "Сыграл" может по-русски и звучит, а по-английски – нет. Надо четко показать, что это был процесс, то есть "was playing".
5. ____ films about Cheburashka?
  • A. Have you seen any
  • B. Do you saw any
  • C. Did you see any
  • D. You saw any
Когда мы задаем вопрос типа "Ты когда-нибудь в своей жизни делал что-либо?", это всегда Present Perfect (have + 3 форма глагола). "Did you see" (Past Simple) – хоть и нормально грамматически, но нельзя, потому что Past Simple используется в рассказе о конкретном событии в прошлом. Варианты B) и D) просто неправильно грамматически.
6. ____ some coffee? – Yes, please. With two sugars.
  • A. You care to
  • B. Do you like
  • C. Would you like
  • D. Want drink
"Do you like" – "ты (вообще) любишь", "would you like" – "хочешь кофе (сейчас)". Возможно и очень разговорное "care for some coffee?" (но с предлогом for). А вот вместо "drink coffee" старайтесь всегда говорить "have coffee".
7. Tomorrow is Sunday. We ____ go to work.
  • A. don`t have to
  • B. haven`t to
  • C. mustn’t
  • D. shouldn’t
"don’t have to" – "нам не нужно", "haven’t to" – такой формы не существует, "mustn’t" – "запрещено", "shouldn’t" – "не следует (совет)". Два последних не подходят по смыслу.
8. I ____ his name.
  • A. couldn`t remember
  • B. couldn’t to remember
  • C. didn’t can to remember
  • D. forgotten
B) C) и D) – несуществуюшие грамматические формы. После can или could нельзя "to", а с forget возможно – или forgot (Past Simple, то есть 2я форма) или have forgotten (Present Perfect, то есть have + 3я форма).
9. In Russia vodka is ____ tequila.
  • A. more cheap than
  • B. more cheap then
  • C. cheaper than
  • D. cheaper then
Если в прилагательном один слог, то сравнительная форма (дешевле, больше, меньше и т.д.) – всегда прилагательное + ER (cheaper, bigger, smaller). "than" значит "чем", а вот "then" – "тогда".
10. Tequila is ____ than vodka.
  • A. more expensive
  • B. expensiver
  • C. more expensiver
  • D. fantastic but I like
А вот если в прилагательном много слогов, то сравнительная форма – more + прилагательное (more expensive). Нельзя ни добавлять –er (expensiver), ни more + -er (more expensiver) А вот фраза D) грамматически неправильна, хотя и близка русскому человеку.
11. What will you do if you ____ the exam?
  • A. will not pass
  • B. won’t pass
  • C. not pass
  • D. don’t pass
Будущее время (A и B) невозможно после слов if (если) и when (когда). Оно должно заменяться на настоящее (don’t pass). А сказать "you not pass" нельзя, такой формы не существует.
12. I wouldn’t tell you John’s plans for tomorrow even if I ____.
  • A. knew them
  • B. had known them
  • C. know them
  • D. will know them
"если БЫ я знал" (сейчас) – всегда нужно Past Simple (2 форма глагола), то есть knew.
13. I would have met Meg yesterday if I ____ the train`s arrival time.
  • A. knew
  • B. had known
  • C. would know
  • D. known
"если БЫ я знал" (в прошлом) – всегда нужно Past Perfect (had + 3я форма глагола), то есть had known.
14. If you drive along English roads, you can see ____.
  • A. thousands sheep
  • B. thousands of sheep
  • C. thousands sheeps
  • D. thousands of sheeps
Sheep (овца) во множественном числе тоже sheep. "Тысячи овец" - thousands of sheep.
15. We were too late. When we arrived, the match ____.
  • A. did finish
  • B. finished
  • C. was finished
  • D. had finished
В английском языке, в отличие от русского есть предпрошедшее время – Past Perfect (had + 3 форма глагола). Оно употребляется, если действие уже закончилось до указанного момента в прошлом. Так как матч уже закончился до того, как мы пришли, то нужно предпрошедшее время.
16. I want to have ____ money, like Bill Gates.
  • A. many
  • B. a lot
  • C. a lot of
  • D. much
"Много" в утвердительных предложениях будет "a lot of". (I have a lot of friends. They drink a lot of vodka). В отрицательных и вопросительных – для исчисляемых – many (I don’t have many friends / Do you have many friends?), а для неисчисляемых – much (They don’t drink much vodka / Do they drink much vodka?).
17. Virginia spends a great ____ of time with her daughter.
  • A. amount
  • B. number
  • C. quantity
  • D. quality
"Большое количество" с исчисляемыми существительными (boys, cars, books, и т.д.) будет "a great number of…". С неисчисляемыми существительными (time, coffee, information, milk, и т.д.) – "a great amount of…" . "Quantity" ("количество") – а) более книжное слово б) обычно не употребляется с абстрактными существительными (которые нельзя потрогать, типа "time", "information"), и гораздо естественней звучит во множественном числе: "large quantities of oil". "Quality" – "качество".
18. This boxer isn’t ____.
  • A. enough agressive
  • B. agressive enough
  • C. enough aggressive
  • D. aggressive enough
Enough ставится всегда после прилагательных (good enough), но перед существительным (enough money). Aggressive (в отличие от русского) пишется с двумя "g".
19. I hate football - ____.
  • A. So do I
  • B. So am I
  • C. Neither do I
  • D. Neither am I
Если вы согласны с утверждением (Я люблю колбасу. – Я тоже.), то надо говорить "So + вспомогательный глагол + I". (I am Russian – So am I; I’ve got a sister – So have I). Поскольку "I hate football" – это Present Simple и в нем вспомогательный глагол do, надо говорить So do I).
20. Anna: - Did he really say "I love you?" – Gillian: – Yes, he said that he ____ me!
  • A. love
  • B. loves
  • C. loved
  • D. is loving
Если главное предложение в прошедшем времени (He said), то во второй части предложения все глаголы "уходят на одно время назад", то есть "love" (Present Simple) превратится в "loved" (past simple).
21. She asked him ____.
  • A. what is his name
  • B. what his name is
  • C. what was his name
  • D. what his name was
Почему was, а не is – см. 20. Если на конце предложения нет вопросительного знака, то нужен прямой порядок слов (He told me what he has bought), а не обратный (He told me what has he bought).
22. Van Gogh loved art since early childhood, but ____ he completed his first painting.
  • A. it wasn’t until 30 that
  • B. he was already 30 that
  • C. he was already 30 until
  • D. it wasn’t before 30 when
По-русски "ему было уже 30, когда", по-английски: "It wasn’t until 30 that". Еще пример: "Пожарники приехали только в 7 часов" - "It wasn’t until 7 o’clock that the fire brigade arrived."
23. He`s famous for ____ people and asking for their autograph.
  • A. stoping beautifull
  • B. stopping beautiful
  • C. stopping beautifull
  • D. stoping beautiful
Суффикс -ful всегда пишется с одной -l, в отличие от прилагательного "full". По поводу "stopping" - если слово кончается на комбинацию "согласная + гласная + согласная" (spin, stop, commit, prefer, и т.д.) и ударение падает на последний слог, то при образовании -ing`овой формы последняя буква удваивается (spinning, stopping, committing, preferring, и т.д.). Заметьте, что если ударение падает не на последний слог, то удвоение не происходит (answering, numbering, visiting).
24. We`re planning to go to Tenerife in April. We ____ at the Torviscas Hotel.
  • A. will live
  • B. will stay
  • C. are going to live
  • D. are going to stay
Will означает либо спонтанное решение (The phone is ringing! I`ll answer it), либо предсказание будущего, основанное на личном мнении (I think Spartak will beat Barcelona), либо общеизвестную правду о будущем (In September I`ll be 23). Если же мы говорим о планах, то нужно использовать форму going to. По-русски мы говорим "жить в гостинице", по-английски - "stay at a hotel".
25. Peggy`s ____ arrived to see you. She`s waiting at the reception.
  • A. has
  • B. even
  • C. yet
  • D. just
"even" - "даже", "yet" - "еще (не)", "just" - "только что". "has" невозможно, так как "Peggy`s" здесь означает "Peggy has".

понедельник, 13 июля 2015 г.

Here’s to the Night: Jekyll & Hyde

 Вместо предисловия...

«В каждом из нас есть два начала. Если эта примитивная двойственность: добро и зло, могла бы быть разделена на две составляющие, жить бы стало гораздо проще. Проклятие человечества в том, что эти противоположности непрерывно борются внутри каждого человека».
 Dr. Jekyll said: "A human mind is made of two parts. One part good and the other part evil. And that throughout the lives of all human beings, there is a constant battle between the two parts: good against evil".

 Plot Overview 

     On their weekly walk, an eminently sensible, trustworthy lawyer named Mr. Utterson listens as his friend Enfield tells a gruesome tale of assault. The tale describes a sinister figure named Mr. Hyde who tramples a young girl, disappears into a door on the street, and reemerges to pay off her relatives with a check signed by a respectable gentleman. Since both Utterson and Enfield disapprove of gossip, they agree to speak no further of the matter. It happens, however, that one of Utterson’s clients and close friends, Dr. Jekyll, has written a will transferring all of his property to this same Mr. Hyde. Soon, Utterson begins having dreams in which a faceless figure stalks through a nightmarish version of London.
       Puzzled, the lawyer visits Jekyll and their mutual friend Dr. Lanyon to try to learn more. Lanyon reports that he no longer sees much of Jekyll, since they had a dispute over the course of Jekyll’s research, which Lanyon calls “unscientific balderdash.” Curious, Utterson stakes out a building that Hyde visits—which, it turns out, is a laboratory attached to the back of Jekyll’s home. Encountering Hyde, Utterson is amazed by how undefinably ugly the man seems, as if deformed, though Utterson cannot say exactly how. Much to Utterson’s surprise, Hyde willingly offers Utterson his address. Jekyll tells Utterson not to concern himself with the matter of Hyde.
      A year passes uneventfully. Then, one night, a servant girl witnesses Hyde brutally beat to death an old man named Sir Danvers Carew, a member of Parliament and a client of Utterson. The police contact Utterson, and Utterson suspects Hyde as the murderer. He leads the officers to Hyde’s apartment, feeling a sense of foreboding amid the eerie weather—the morning is dark and wreathed in fog. When they arrive at the apartment, the murderer has vanished, and police searches prove futile. Shortly thereafter, Utterson again visits Jekyll, who now claims to have ended all relations with Hyde; he shows Utterson a note, allegedly written to Jekyll by Hyde, apologizing for the trouble he has caused him and saying goodbye. That night, however, Utterson’s clerk points out that Hyde’s handwriting bears a remarkable similarity to Jekyll’s own.
     For a few months, Jekyll acts especially friendly and sociable, as if a weight has been lifted from his shoulders. But then Jekyll suddenly begins to refuse visitors, and Lanyon dies from some kind of shock he received in connection with Jekyll. Before dying, however, Lanyon gives Utterson a letter, with instructions that he not open it until after Jekyll’s death. Meanwhile, Utterson goes out walking with Enfield, and they see Jekyll at a window of his laboratory; the three men begin to converse, but a look of horror comes over Jekyll’s face, and he slams the window and disappears. Soon afterward, Jekyll’s butler, Mr. Poole, visits Utterson in a state of desperation: Jekyll has secluded himself in his laboratory for several weeks, and now the voice that comes from the room sounds nothing like the doctor’s. Utterson and Poole travel to Jekyll’s house through empty, windswept, sinister streets; once there, they find the servants huddled together in fear. After arguing for a time, the two of them resolve to break into Jekyll’s laboratory. Inside, they find the body of Hyde, wearing Jekyll’s clothes and apparently dead by suicide—and a letter from Jekyll to Utterson promising to explain everything.
     Utterson takes the document home, where first he reads Lanyon’s letter; it reveals that Lanyon’s deterioration and eventual death were caused by the shock of seeing Mr. Hyde take a potion and metamorphose into Dr. Jekyll. The second letter constitutes a testament by Jekyll. It explains how Jekyll, seeking to separate his good side from his darker impulses, discovered a way to transform himself periodically into a deformed monster free of conscience—Mr. Hyde. At first, Jekyll reports, he delighted in becoming Hyde and rejoiced in the moral freedom that the creature possessed. Eventually, however, he found that he was turning into Hyde involuntarily in his sleep, even without taking the potion. At this point, Jekyll resolved to cease becoming Hyde. One night, however, the urge gripped him too strongly, and after the transformation he immediately rushed out and violently killed Sir Danvers Carew. Horrified, Jekyll tried more adamantly to stop the transformations, and for a time he proved successful; one day, however, while sitting in a park, he suddenly turned into Hyde, the first time that an involuntary metamorphosis had happened while he was awake.
      The letter continues describing Jekyll’s cry for help. Far from his laboratory and hunted by the police as a murderer, Hyde needed Lanyon’s help to get his potions and become Jekyll again—but when he undertook the transformation in Lanyon’s presence, the shock of the sight instigated Lanyon’s deterioration and death. Meanwhile, Jekyll returned to his home, only to find himself ever more helpless and trapped as the transformations increased in frequency and necessitated even larger doses of potion in order to reverse themselves. It was the onset of one of these spontaneous metamorphoses that caused Jekyll to slam his laboratory window shut in the middle of his conversation with Enfield and Utterson. Eventually, the potion began to run out, and Jekyll was unable to find a key ingredient to make more. His ability to change back from Hyde into Jekyll slowly vanished. Jekyll writes that even as he composes his letter he knows that he will soon become Hyde permanently, and he wonders if Hyde will face execution for his crimes or choose to kill himself. Jekyll notes that, in any case, the end of his letter marks the end of the life of Dr. Jekyll. With these words, both the document and the novel come to a close.

среда, 8 июля 2015 г.

The Day of Love, Family & Faithfulness^_^

My love is like an ocean It goes down so deep My love is like a rose Whose beauty you want to keep. My love is like a river That will never end My love is like a dove With a beautiful message to send.


We laugh and cry,
We work and play,
We help each other
Every day.
The world’s a lovely
Place to be
Because we are
A family.

Monday's child is nice and slow
Tuesday's child is go, go, go
Wednesday's child is very funny
Thursday's child is happy and sunny
Friday's child is like a king
Saturday's child can dance and sing
Sunday's child can stand on her head
And count the ghosts under her bed!


Love is in the air...

пятница, 3 июля 2015 г.

Red colour is not so bad if...


...a red light glimmered at the end of the passage =)

Motivation of the Day: Keep calm and Be yourself, make yourself! There is something that you can do better than any other. Listen to your heart and bravely obey that!