January 27, 1944 as the result of Leningrad-Novgorod strategy offensive
operation were defeated the Nazi armies near Leningrad and the 900 days
blockade of the city was completely reversed.
The blockade of Leningrad lasted from September 8, 1941
to January 27, 1944. During this period 107 000 aerial bombs were
dropped at the northern capital and about 150 000 shells fired.
According to different sources, during the years of blockade from
400 000 to 1 million people died. At Nuremberg Trials, in particular,
appeared the figure 632 thousand people. Only 3% of them were killed
during the bombardments and shelling. The remaining 97% died from
the blockade period the city-front constructed hundreds of kilometers
of defensive installations with effort of 1 million residents of
Leningrad. Over 200 thousand people joined the people’s volunteer corps,
over 19 thousand served in the anti-aircraft defense units.
January 27, 1944 at the Field of Mars, at the Neva banks and on the
Baltic fleet ships was fired a salute in honor of the victory. The
military council of the Leningrad front published the order signed by
its commander, saying: “Courageous and firm residents of Leningrad! In
consolidation with the Leningrad front troops you have held our native
city against the enemy attacks. With your heroic work and steel
tenacity, bridging over all the difficulties and torments of blockade,
you had been forging the victory over the enemy, giving up all you
efforts for it. On behalf of the Leningrad front armies I congratulate you on the momentous day of the great victory near Leningrad”.
May 8, 1965 for the heroism and courage demonstrated by the residents
of Leningrad during the blockade, the city was awarded the honorary
title of the Hero city.
1996 under the law ‘On the military glory days (victory days) of
Russia’ of March 13, 1995 the day of January 27 is celebrated in the
Russian Federation as the Day of Leningrad blockade reversal.
Lit.: Великая победа под Ленинградом [Электронный ресурс] // Ленинград. Блокада. Подвиг. Б. д. URL: http://blokada.otrok.ru/cont.php?y=4&s=gv; Федюнинский И. И. Поднятые по тревоге. М., 1961; То же [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://militera.lib.ru/memo/russian/fedyuninsky/index.html.
From the Presidential library materials:
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