пятница, 9 мая 2014 г.

9 мая - Великий праздник День Победы!


Day of joy and of sadness,
Day of sorrow and of gladness,
Day of cheering and of drinking,
Day of crying and of thinking.
Day of prayer to God above,
Day of prayer for those we love,
Day of prayer for those we've lost,
Day of counting up the cost.

by Joe Heard, who lost two of his brothers during the war.

(Hubert, Joe's youngest brother, was in the RNVR and was called up as soon as war was declared. He served on the "Jerivs Bay" and was killed on Nov 5th 1940.
Peter was then skipper of the "Rosena" and he and his smack became part of the R N Patrol Service untill he joined the minesweepers. He was killed on Jan 7th 1943)

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