пятница, 31 октября 2014 г.

What's the Day Today?

According to Wikipedia:
< Halloween or Hallowe'en (/ˌhæləˈwiːn, -oʊˈiːn, ˌhɑːl-/; a contraction of "All Hallows' Evening"), also known as Allhalloween, All Hallows' Eve, or All Saints' Eve, is a yearly celebration observed in a number of countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day. It initiates the triduum of Allhallowtide, the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departed believers. Within Allhallowtide, the traditional focus of All Hallows' Eve revolves around the theme of using "humor and ridicule to confront the power of death."

According to many scholars, All Hallows' Eve is a Christianized feast initially influenced by Celtic harvest festivals, with possible pagan roots, particularly the Gaelic Samhain.[8][15][16] Other scholars maintain that it originated independently of Samhain and has solely Christian roots.

Typical festive Halloween activities include trick-or-treating (or the related "guising"), attending costumeparties, decorating, carving pumpkins into jack-o'-lanterns, lighting bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted house attractions, playing pranks, telling scary stories and watching horror films.>

среда, 29 октября 2014 г.

Дело сделано!

 Информация о сертификате №C35CA72EB562EE3374E5911B4753FC28

Номер сертификата
Название вебинара
Развитие общеучебных умений на уроках английского языка и достижение метапредметных результатов ФГОС в начальной школе 
(на примере курсов “EnjoyEnglish”, “Happy English.ru”, “Millie”)
Дата вебинара

среда, 22 октября 2014 г.

Secrets of Pronunciation ;)

Sample “SECRETS!”  (source: http://thesecretstories.com/about/)

‘AU /AW’
have a huge crush on each other,
and whenever they have to stand ‘side-by-side’ in a word,
they get so embarrassed,
they always look down and say-
in love
Examples: August, awful, awesome, autumn


‘EU / EW’
These letters are very “prim and proper” little girls who are deathly afraid of mice! If they ever see one, they will jump up-high, in complete disgust, screaming —
and that’s the sound they make!
ewww! a mouse
Examples: few, chew, neutral, neuron


‘ER /IR /UR’
They LOVE to go driving in cars,
but they are terrible, awful, horrible, ‘no-good’ drivers-
so they always have to slam on the brakes!
terrible drivers
Examples: bird, turn, corner


These two letters should never be together- EVER!
And yet, pick up any book, and look at any page,
And there they are, side-by-side!
And whenever they are together in a word,
They always do exactly the same thing-
They ‘stick their tongues out at each other’ and say-
the ol raspberry
Examples: this, that, those, them, they


Whenever three friends play together,
one always seems to get ‘left-out.’
And when these three play-
it’s always ‘poor little o’ that never gets to join in the fun!
That’s why, when ‘o, u & s’ get together…
“It’s just…………… “US!”
two is company, three is a crowd
Examples: ridiculous, strenuous, joyous

воскресенье, 19 октября 2014 г.

Try to Write a Letter to the Future)) Why not?

Day of Lyceum Student!

Всероссийский день лицеиста - 19 октября<Всемирный день лицеиста, который празднуется 19 октября, приурочен к открытию известного всем Императорского Царскосельского лицея. А случилось это более 200 лет назад, в 1811 году. Но и сегодня все знают, что основанное Александром I учебное заведение стало кладезем знаний.> 

<Самые известные и так и не прославившиеся воспитанники лицея изучали математические, исторические, нравственные дисциплины. И при этом не забывали каждый год 19 октября отмечать день рождения своего учебного заведения. По этому поводу собирался «лицейский обед», и воспитанники веселились на славу. А ныне в этот день чествуют всех лицеистов мира, вспоминая и знаменитейших Пушкина, Кюхельбекера, Пущина, Дельвига, Горчакова, Корфа и других.>

День лицеиста во всём мире
Отмечают господа!
Мы учащимся желаем
Достичь цели без труда!

Чтоб старания не пропали,
И желания сбылись!
Чтоб на «отлично» экзамены сдали,
И через год все собрались!

Лицеист — народ серьезный,

С нами шуток не шути.
Много испытаний сложных
Довелось нам всем пройти.
На занятиях контроль —
Нам все это не впервой.
Обученье с года в год
Без курьезов не пройдет.
Пусть и дальше, как сейчас,
Будет дружным весь ваш класс.

Тем временем другие страны\города отмечают:

День написания письма в будущее

День ракетно-артиллерийских войск Армении

День беатификации матери Терезы

День юриста в Молдове


среда, 15 октября 2014 г.

день прошёл не зря)

Информация о сертификате 


Номер сертификата246E0724F0F56EEA376B5BB4FE554BAA
Название вебинараПодготовка учащихся к конкурсам: из опыта работы
Дата вебинара15.10.2014

New School Animator Is ...

My GF wanted to have sex in her Supergirl costume.

понедельник, 13 октября 2014 г.

Ideas For Teaching!


As we all know, students already get plenty of tests, so why not let your students show what they learned creatively? Whether your students are reading independent books or your class has just finished a unit on space or pioneers, a culminating project can really cement that learning. Here are 72 fun and creative ways for your students to show what they know:
  1. Create a poster
  2. Make a PowerPoint Presentation
  3. Design a model
  4. Make a shoebox diorama
  5. Use a three-panal display board 
  6. Make a timeline
  7. Create a board game incorporating key elements. 
  8. Write a poem
  9. Write and perform a skit
  10. Make a TV or radio commercial
  11. Make a collage
  12. Make a mobile
  13. Create a test about the topic
  14. Make a word search
  15. Make a crossword puzzle
  16. Write a report
  17. Create a flow chart or diagram
  18. Write an interview of a relevant person
  19. Ask and and answer key questions
  20. Write journal/diary entries
  21. Write a postcard or letter exchange
  22. Create a scrapbook
  23. Create a photo album
  24. Make an instructional video
  25. Give a presentation
  26. Create an interactive notebook
  27. Create a set of task cards 
  28. Make a pamphlet or brochure
  29. Write a newspaper article
  30. Perform a puppet show
  31. Hold a debate
  32. Hold a mock court case
  33. Create an episode of a reality show
  34. Create a game show
  35. Have a panal discussion of "experts"
  36. Compose a rap or other song
  37. Use a Venn Diagram to compare two aspects of the topic
  38. Design a comic strip about the topic
  39. Create children's story about the topic
  40. Create a map
  41. Write a fable or myth about the topic
  42. Create a help-wanted add and a letter/resume to answer it
  43. Write a text message dialogue relevant to the topic
  44. Write a series of Tweets relevant to the topic
  45. Create a Facebook wall relative to the topic
  46. Create a Pinterest board relative to the topic
  47. Start a blog
  48. Decorate a box and fill with relevant objects
  49. Create a foldable
  50. Create a flip book
  51. Create a Cootie Catcher
  52. Create a cereal based on the topic (cover a cereal box)
  53. Assemble a time capsule
  54. Create several bookmarks about different aspects of the topic
  55. Write a recipe relevant to the topic (good for showing causes of an event)
  56. Do a newscast
  57. Write an acrostic poem
  58. Create an internet scavenger hunt
  59. Write an advice column with several problems related to the topic.
  60. Create flash cards or trivia cards
  61. Create a cheer relevant to the topic
  62. Make a short documentary film
  63. Create a museum exihibet
  64. Create a Top-Ten list relevant to the topic
  65. Create a video game
  66. Make a "Choose Your Own Adventure" 
  67. Create a mini book with one fact/idea per page
  68. Create a glossary of relevant terms
  69. Make a paper chain with a different fact for each link
  70. Make a flower with a different fact for each petal
  71. Write a handbook or instruction book
  72. Create a newsletter
Source: http://www.minds-in-bloom.com/2013/09/72-creative-ways-for-students-to-show.html

суббота, 11 октября 2014 г.

Autumn Crafts for Kids

Autumn is the best time for realisation of brightness and creativity. 
The Nature gives us wonderful ideas for inspiration and materials for crafts. 
Осенние поделки для детей

The Day of the City Vladimir

Vladimir was one of the medieval capitals of Russia, with significant buildings surviving from the 12th century. Two of its Russian Orthodox cathedrals, a monastery, and associated buildings have been designated as among the White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal, a UNESCOWorld Heritage Site. In the past, the city was also known as Vladimir-on-Klyazma (Владимир-на-Клязьме)[12] and Vladimir-Zalessky(Владимир-Залесский), to distinguish it from another Vladimir in Volhynia (modern Ukraine). 


Out of the city

  • Gladiator (Гладиатор), ул. Зелёная, 17 (микрорайон Коммунар) (leave Vladimir towards Murom and turn left after the hotel Klyazma. A modern hotel in the outskirts of the city. Services include a restaurant, a sauna, and a sport club. 
  • Klyazma (Клязьма), Судогдское шоссе, 15 (on the road to Murom),  +7 (4922)-32-64-83+7 (4922)-32-42-37The hotel in the outskirts of the city. Regular rooms are very old and basic, while the suites were recently renovated. Breakfast included, parking available for additional price. A cafe is attached to the hotel. Double room (non-renovated/renovated).
  • Ladoga (Турбаза), Сосновая ул. 12 (leave the city towards Murom and turn left to Lunevo),  +7 (4922)-32-26-10A country house that offers the rental of rooms and cottages. There is a dining-hall serving three meals a day. Extra facilities (billiard, sauna, rental of sport equipment) available. 

понедельник, 6 октября 2014 г.

Project of the Day

Task: Create infografic project about one of the famous people.

Present it in the following way:
  • web-page (social networks)
  • presentation (Power Point)
  • poster (A4\A3)
  •  biography

ПРИМЕР см. http://vk.com/tomcruise,
конструктор создания моей визитки (за 5 минут) - http://uid.me/ulya_shevko

воскресенье, 5 октября 2014 г.

Happy Teacher's Day =)

Dear, collegues! Congratulate y'all on the start of the new Day! 
Let English open you the door to a better life. 
I'm sure you'll do it!
Sincerely Yours, Ulyana O.