As we all know, students already get plenty of tests, so why not let your students show what they learned creatively? Whether your students are reading independent books or your class has just finished a unit on space or pioneers, a culminating project can really cement that learning. Here are 72 fun and creative ways for your students to show what they know:
- Create a poster
- Make a PowerPoint Presentation
- Design a model
- Make a shoebox diorama
- Use a three-panal display board
- Make a timeline
- Create a board game incorporating key elements.
- Write a poem
- Write and perform a skit
- Make a TV or radio commercial
- Make a collage
- Make a mobile
- Create a test about the topic
- Make a word search
- Make a crossword puzzle
- Write a report
- Create a flow chart or diagram
- Write an interview of a relevant person
- Ask and and answer key questions
- Write journal/diary entries
- Write a postcard or letter exchange
- Create a scrapbook
- Create a photo album
- Make an instructional video
- Give a presentation
- Create an interactive notebook
- Create a set of task cards
- Make a pamphlet or brochure
- Write a newspaper article
- Perform a puppet show
- Hold a debate
- Hold a mock court case
- Create an episode of a reality show
- Create a game show
- Have a panal discussion of "experts"
- Compose a rap or other song
- Use a Venn Diagram to compare two aspects of the topic
- Design a comic strip about the topic
- Create children's story about the topic
- Create a map
- Write a fable or myth about the topic
- Create a help-wanted add and a letter/resume to answer it
- Write a text message dialogue relevant to the topic
- Write a series of Tweets relevant to the topic
- Create a Facebook wall relative to the topic
- Create a Pinterest board relative to the topic
- Start a blog
- Decorate a box and fill with relevant objects
- Create a foldable
- Create a flip book
- Create a Cootie Catcher
- Create a cereal based on the topic (cover a cereal box)
- Assemble a time capsule
- Create several bookmarks about different aspects of the topic
- Write a recipe relevant to the topic (good for showing causes of an event)
- Do a newscast
- Write an acrostic poem
- Create an internet scavenger hunt
- Write an advice column with several problems related to the topic.
- Create flash cards or trivia cards
- Create a cheer relevant to the topic
- Make a short documentary film
- Create a museum exihibet
- Create a Top-Ten list relevant to the topic
- Create a video game
- Make a "Choose Your Own Adventure"
- Create a mini book with one fact/idea per page
- Create a glossary of relevant terms
- Make a paper chain with a different fact for each link
- Make a flower with a different fact for each petal
- Write a handbook or instruction book
- Create a newsletter
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