четверг, 26 марта 2015 г.

Good Morning!

Good morning, everyone!

                      source - http://guide2herbalremedies.com/time-morning-exercise/

The best and the most effective way is to do morning exercise on an empty stomach, or in other words – before breakfast. The scientists from Belgium recommend jogging, cycling or short workout in gym, and only one hour of such exercises twice a week can be very beneficial, as the findings of the study say. Pre-breakfast morning exercise can successfully aid not only for facilitating weight loss, but also for preventing diabetes and other diseases. I guess, it is not easy for most of us to find a full hour to exercise before breakfast, but doing 15-20 minutes of aerobic or weight lifting exercises on a regular basis can be a solution, especially for those who are trying to avoid extra weight gain during Christmas and New Year holidays!

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