воскресенье, 23 июня 2013 г.

23 июня - праздник выпускников


главное событие ночи  - 23-х минутное светопиротехническое мультимедийное шоу в акватории Невы ...

The Scarlet Sails Festival (or Crimson Sails Show) is one of the most exiting annual events celebrated in Saint – Petersburg by graduates during the period of White Nights. This year it’ll be the 13th time when, as it believed, all the dreams come true, because the symbol of hope and happiness, ship with scarlet sails goes down the Neva River. Statistics show that about 3,5 million people came to the “Scarlet Sails” event in 2012.  But what is going to be this year? The sponsors hope that it’ll be the most marvelous show you’ve ever seen! Time will tell.


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